Friday, January 13, 2006

Here's the first!

This is my first post and my first blog so forgive me if I open by saying, "this is an experiment" and "hello." There, that wasn't so bad. Cool. In any case, I set this thing up so I can comment on whatever I feel like be it games, movies, or my own life as a 3D animation student in Los Angeles.

I guess if you found this page you either know me or you're really, really bored. In fact if you found this page through boredom, wow. My hat is off to you sir. That is mighty bored. In any case, I'm gonna tell you where the handle Killyin comes from so if you were bored before, you might want to look at something more entertaining like this.
(I should note, I will always try to mention if something is not safe for work so if it's not marked NSFW you're fine.)

So back when I was in highschool, all of my friends named their cars. Chuck's dad's car was called Hope (it had brake problems). Tom's Camaro was called Merlin. Matt's parent's Miata was called Bitch (I think though, I have no idea why). In any case, my maroon chevy Lumina (the sedan not the minivan) had no name, and I was just waiting for one to occur to me. One summer, while driving around and listening to the radio, a Killian's Irish Red beer commercial came on and it just seemed right. The car was red, the beer was red and I liked the name. Hardly genius I know, but hey, at least the car got a name.

For some reason, I really got attached to this name. I used it with friends when we were doing dumb things where we felt we needed code names or whatever. Then, I went off to college and immediately got addicted to the internet and espescially mIRC. Now in internet chat rooms, your handle is the face you show to the world, so I put a lot of thought into it and picked Killian. Unfortunately, that was taken so rather than be Killian4534 and announce to the world that I was the 4533rd unoriginal person, I went with a sneaky alternate spelling which is Killyin. Since then, I've taken the domain (the website was really awful and is probably down now), the gmail account and most recently this blogger account. I've used it a number of online games so if you've seen it there's a decent probability that it was me.

That's enough for now. It's time I went to school and worked on modeling cars and cacti for class.


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